Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Why fitness is important??

Why is Health Related Fitness important? Knowing the importance of anything we do will help to keep us focused. Practically every news or story online or offline you see mentions fitness, but not all of them explain why health related fitness is important. Our body is an invaluable asset that stays with us day and night throughout and for as long as we live. It is very important that we treat it well and keep it physically fit.

The general attitude of people towards fitness has changed and over the past few years you and I are now much more concerned and aware of the need to live positively. We now recognize the importance of physical fitness than ever before. We are encouraged to adopt a 'positive attitude' to our health by many talk shows online forums and fitness websites through better care of our bodies and minds.

The Importance of Fitness

Fitness may just be the saving grace when you find yourself in a life threatening situation. Note that I expect you to be a martial artist, but you will need to really be fit to run for your dear life and not gas out after just 100 meters.

Self Esteem- A person who is fit tend to have confidence in public places and amongst peers. Not just because they look god to everyone around but because of the inner comfort and feel-good disposition.

The problem of coronary heart diseases, diabetes, hypertension, cancers are all conditions that can be avoided if you take out time to make sure that your body is fit. Exercises prevent a lot of problems.

Your body can better handle dangerous chemicals like free radicals if we exercise more often. Your heart muscles grow thicker and pump more blood per minute, nutrient absorption is at optimal levels, bones grow bigger and healing process occurs faster.

Positive health is all that it takes to maintain a minimum level of health and fitness to keep your body looking and feeling good and at optimum functional state, as well as maintaining a level of physical fitness.

Health and fitness is determined by what we eat, how we live our lives. In order words, it is determined by our life style. The kind of daily activities we love to get involved in, the type of food we love to eat, the number of times we eat and the amount of food we eat and physical exercise.

Keeping fit is about how we as individuals choose to live our lives and the levels of fitness we aspire to. We all need a certain amount of the right type of exercise to keep us healthy, regardless of our lifestyle, age or physical ability.

Maintaining a good level of physical fitness will give you a feeling of better health through increased energy and vitality, it is a happy feeling that results in even greater happiness.

Fitness keeps you in the right frame of mind. There is increase metal sharpness and concentration all resulting from increase blood circulation in the brain achieved by proper dieting and physical exercises. Fitness is something we should all desire.