UniqueHoodia : Frequently Ask Questions
Do UniqueHoodia have a money back guarantee?
Yes, UniqueHoodia have the best money back guarantee in the industry, all you need to do is use the product for 90 days, if you do not notice any weight loss, UniqueHoodia will simply refund the full purchase price, for more details click here.
Is UniqueHoodia using pure Hoodia?
Yes, the only ingredient in UniqueHoodia is 100% Hoodia Gordonii with nothing else included, no fillers, no additives and no lubricants.
UniqueHoodia capsules include 460mg of South African pure Hoodia Gordonii in each pill, the pills have been specially designed to allow for an extra 60mg of Hoodia to our closest rivals.
How many pills should take per day?
The health advisor recommend you take 3 pills per day, one in the morning, one in the afternoon and one in the evening. You may wish to skip the evening pill if you are having a large dinner and take this pill before bed.
How long will it take to arrive?
If you order the product today, you can get it within 2-3 working days, UniqueHoodia give you the option to have your products with you next day or slightly longer with free shipping.

Hoodia Gordonii is a cactus that grows in the Kalahari region of Southern Africa. There are many varieties of hoodia but only hoodia gordonii has been clinically proven to suppress the appetite.
Are there any side effects?
UniqueHoodia or Hoodia have no known negative side effects. Some people have reported an improvement in mood when they are taking Hoodia Gordonii. It will not make your heart race. It will not keep you awake at night and it will not make you drowsy.
Is the pill easy to swallow?
Yes, the pill has been specially designed to be as small as possible whilst still containing more Hoodia than any other product on the market. You will be happy to hear our product is 100% herbal and natural.
Is the product clinically proven?
There have been a large number of clinically studies done on the Hoodia plant and we are happy to report our product has been fully tested and independently approved.
Will I lose weight taking UniqueHoodia?
Yes, you should see a quick result from taking UniqueHoodia, if you do not notice weight loss while taking the product you can simply apply for your money back.
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