Monday, December 29, 2008

Weight loss and detox

Incorporating a detox diet into your weight loss management plan can offer you more than clearer skin and improved bodily functions. It can also help you to lose weight, boost your immunity, beat headaches and remove cellulite. Every woman's dream.

Saying this it is important that you ensure that your body always receives the right level of nutrients - something that detoxing can affect.

Let us explain:

Whilst detoxing can radically reduce your calorie count by encouraging you to eat low fat foods such as fruit and vegetables, beans, nuts, seeds, herbal teas and plenty of water. Which in turn can reduce bloating, cleanse your organs and keep you enriched in protein and vitamins.

Many detox diets, involve a reduction in wheat, dairy, meat, fish, eggs, caffeine, alcohol, salt, sugar and processed food. Now although some of these – if over indulged in – can contribute to weight gain, they do in themselves offer you essential nutrients that can not be over looked for an extended period of time. And if you do choose to cut them out, you could be risking your body to dietary deficiencies and lower immunity.

So where is the balance?

We recommend that if you do choose to incorporate detoxing methods into your diet, then only do it for a limited period of time, and ensure you follow a detox diet that has lesser restrictions in terms of naughty foods.

After all, your body is naturally designed to detoxify itself, so following this course of action for too long can do more harm than good. But, if you can find the right balance, you could soon be on your way to boosting your weight loss, without having to resort to unnatural methods.

So if you are interested in helping your body to lose that sluggish feeling, and increase your energy levels.

Try adding some of these to your diet:

apples, bananas, pears, oranges, grapefruit, satsumas, sultanas, raisins, pineapple, mango, kiwi fruit, strawberries, raspberries, blackcurrants, nectarines, peaches and melons

carrots, turnip, onion, swede, sprouts, peppers, sweetcorn, leeks, broccoli, cauliflower, salad, tomatoes, cucumber and mushrooms.

Beans and Lentils:
red kidney, haricot, black eye, pinto, red lentils, green lentils and brown lentils

Fresh Fish:
cod, plaice, mackerel, salmon, crab, haddock, tuna, prawns, lemon sole, monk fish

Unsalted Nuts:
brazil nuts, peanuts, cashew, almonds, hazelnuts, pecans and walnuts

Oats, potatoes (all types), unsalted seeds, tofu, live natural yoghurt, water and herbal teas.


All forms of red meat, chicken, turkey and other meat products such as sausages or burgers.
Milk, cheese, eggs, cream, butter and margarine – the big diary products
Wheat products such as bread, croissants, cereals, cakes, biscuits, pies, pastry or quiche.
Savoury foods such as crisps or salted nuts
Treats (anything high in sugar) - chocolate, sweets and jams
All processed foods, ready meals and takeaways – you don't know what has been used to cook them
Alcohol, caffeine, tea or fizzy drinks