Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Free Trial - Get Your Zotrim Weight Loss Sample Online!

Zotrim is unlike most other slimming tablets we have seen. It contains a mixture of 3 natural plant extracts - Yerba Mate, Damiana, and Guarana. Each of these plants have been scientifically proven to help you reduce your food intake, cut out snacking between meals, and boost your energy levels.

How To Get Zotrim free trial online?
Zotrim now only offer free sample of 2 weeks supply (180 tables) for UK customer.
First, you need to sing in Zotrim.Com FREE trial page

  1. Sign up for your free box
  2. Try Zotrim for 2 weeks
  3. At the end of the 2 weeks you will be billed £19.95
  4. After payment another box will be sent to you
  5. This amount is recharged every month
  6. Another box sent to you until you cancel
  7. You can cancel at any time by contacting the Zotrim support team

Now the one thing we want to make absolutely clear here is that, unlike many free trials, if you decide that Zotrim is not right for you all you have to do is call their customer services and tell them.

Once you have done this no further payments will be taken from your card. Furthermore, if you forget to cancel and they take a payment you are still covered under their money-back guarantee so it really is a risk free trial.